Thursday, May 3, 2012

Self-assignments - Part 2

As I already mentioned in one of the previous homeworks, I'm here on a scholarship with several international students. Our recognition ceremony will be 2 weeks from now and I wanted to produce something nice for my friends.
Since I really like video editing, a music video was my first option. In order to promote the video, on the other hand, I decided to create some very simple posters, that would be posted on Facebook today if I haven't decided to use higher-resolution pictures for the others (which means that these are kinda useless right now)... Anyway, here they are:

Self-assignments - Part 1

The best part of my scholarship here in the U.S. is the fact that I get to know a lot of interesting (i.e. crazy) people. One of them is my good friend Rasyid Moefty, whose desire of becoming "accidentally famous" inspired me to produce a lot of accidents on purpose.
The posters are stupid, but I've learned a lot about Photoshop by investing some hours on them...

Project 4: Book Cover

My book cover for "Let Me In", a Sweedish vampire fiction by John Ajvide Lindqvist.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Project 3: Map

This is a "short version" of my city's map (Canela). It turned out to be completely different from what I originally planned, but I kinda liked the result...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Culture Fair's Poster

Although GDS 108 is my very first class of Graphic Design (and also the last, considering I will go back to my country in May), part of my work in the International Students Associations of Parkland was to create a poster for the event called "Culture Fair".
As you can see bellow, the result is really simple and probably reflects my lack of experience, but... what can I say? At least I tried...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Idea for Project 3

This is the map of a very common route for me in Brazil: from my parents house (a National Forest) to the bus station of my city (Canela). I always get lost, so it might be useful...

Project 2: Title Sequence Story Board

So, here's my idea for the title sequence of "The Forgotten". I tried to match the color scheme and font style of the poster (something that the original sequence completely ignored)...